Friday, October 14, 2011

Simplistic Love

   The simplistic nature of our love is not as easily expressed. What is a definition, but binding guidelines to which hold strong a meaning that couldn't possible represent its depths. I fear summing up into too small a fish bowl, here is my love, feed it flakes and it will grow. Not Nearly!! My love is boundless, limitless, growing and ever changing. Nowhere near the oceans tide which banes the spoiled fruits of a misguided heart then pulls the toils back into  it with a ravenous hunger. Nor the blessed rain which can both create and wash away lamented sympathies and memories squandered on the most unseemly of visions. Alas, the closest comparison to our love is the enigmatic forest. Bound and controlled by nothing. It flourishes wild and free. From a distant hilltop the forest radiates simplistically designed beauty and a fortress to those who call its foliage home. But upon closer examination of its intricacies it is easily seen that simplistic is far from the depths of the labyrinthine of life on top of life.

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